Alfred Evert 2003-03-06

02.04. No Circle, Straight Line, Torus

Linear Movement
Movements in straight direction are everydays experience by the handling of solid bodies like at processes of many machines. At picture 02.04.01 for example, a ´Boxermotor´ schematically is shown at which two pistons move linear within the cylinders (accelerated and decelerated like the stroke movements of water waves above).

Materials are moving relative to each other at surfaces between the pistons and cylinders. However, just these border surfaces are not available within the aether, because the aether is ´border-less´ (internal) universe-wide. So no aether-portions can shift alongside each other, and not linearly by guarantee.

Fluids exist of particles and between ´flux-bands´ exist border-faces, so movements in different direction or of different speed can glide alongside each other. Also the aether is ´soft´ like gases or liquids and motions within the aether well are possible, even without friction losses. Opposite to fluids however, the aether is a real continuum and thus does not allow such relative movements between neighbouring particles at border-surfaces.

Circled Movements
This example also shows a circled motion as the central crankshaft (blue) is turning around the system axis. Naturally also there are border faces moving alongside each other, e.g. the outer end of that crank versus the surrounding area (here air or oil, like at any turning wheel). Above this, an other essential point of view is demonstrated by this example.

Whenever a body is moving at a circle track, the motion steady is changing the direction. Here e.g. upside left), the ´masses´ must be shifted aside (like the connecting rod (red) via piston presses the air to left side). This process occurs at both sides of this boxermotor, in principle however at each direction around the centre of circled movements.

Same fact is valid at the aether, however the circled movements have not to kick-off only (light) surrounding air, but all around is the aether of same ´hardness´. So whenever an aether point (remember: mental unit instead of not existing real ether-parts) is moving at a circled track, same time other aether points must be moved aside (analogue to mechanical example of connecting rod above). However, nowhere are ´free gaps´ for immediate storage of surplus volumes of aether. That´s why these simple circled movements (at even level) are not allowed for the aether by itself.

Often are discussed movements in shape of a torus (general design is shown at picture 02.04.02) as an alternative model of atoms or as carrier of energy etc.. Indeed, the combination of movements around the central axis of system plus the movements around the (round) axis within the ring results most interesting movement pattern.

Mostly well-known smoke-rings are presented as clear example, by which e.g. a candle is blown off at some metres of distance. The motion medium here is the invisible air and within that air-vortex the visible smoke-parts are enclosed.

The aether-medium however can´t move that kind, because no aether volumes can be pressed through that central small hole (in order to expand later). At that torus, the border surfaces are shifting alongside each other. However the aether-continuum has no internal borders at all.

At the level of material occurrences, movements at circles or straight lines or outside-inwards etc. are well possible, however such motions are not possible for the aether by itself. The aether is not only a ´materia a little bit different´, but is the unique real existent substance with unique properties. The aether has to be quite other kind, e.g. may not show the possibilities of movements like any ´vulgar´ materia.

02.05. No Standing Waves Aether-Physics and -Philosophy