Alfred Evert 15.02.2003

01.03. Real Certainty

Appearance and Existence
An esoteric bented aesthete might enthuse about: ´there is confidence, hope, life, will, substance, motion, power, reason and effect´. A real materialist is terrified about that stuttering and asks: ´what, by which, how, when, why and what for´. A scientist soberly states: ´there is material matter, energy, movement, power and no effect without cause´.

Scientific correct approach is to check previous statements: what´s certain experience of real existence and what´s only mental, abstract ´representative´ expression (a term commonly agreed with explicitly defined meaning or only an ´empty word´), so to differ between real and only mental ´truth´.

´Ex oriente lux´, truth is coming from eastern enlightenment, even western world likes to ´limit´ that source at old Greeks. Astonishingly progressive e.g. seems Demokrit, who saw everything based on atoms. Opposite, Aristoteles looks rather old-fashioned with his four elements of earth, fire, water, light plus fifth ´Quint-Essenz´ of his aether. Heraklit´s ´panta rhei´ again sounds up-to-date, like steady flowing, appearing and disappearing. Platon became rather unpleasant by putting us into a cave, riddling and discussing about shadows performed by a reality not visible for us. Even more worse the unreasonable demands of far-east world view appears, as they are claiming all estimated reality would be nothing else than illusion.

Material Parts
One scientist ´relieved´ us from the illusion of air being an ´esoteric element´, by his approval of material air-pressure by two half-spheres. An other scientist put off candle-light by simple glass, thus discovering nitrogen. Water no longer is considered an ´esoteric elixir of life´ since discovered as H2O (even this mixture of two gases still is wet).

Unlimited variety of material occurrences lastly was reduced to some 80 ´chemical´ elements (plus some few more, some less durable substances).

This clarity of different substances again was reduced decisively by the knowledge, finally all atoms are based at different numbers of few elementary particles. So everything is constructed only by both stable particles of electrons and protons, plus some neutrons. Electrons turn around nucleus at different tracks, also the nucleus shows steady turning motions.

For some short time, the world was organized by simple structures, materia (resp. also the ´esoteric element earth´) was reduced to few real existing ´bricks´. Same time, everything is in motion, thus materia in reality is never resting.

Even ´esoteric element of light´ was discovered as photon - even up to now it´s uncertain, whether there are parts moving ahead or only waves are spreading within space (thus it´s still the question, all electromagnetic occurrences are real parts or ´only´ waves). Besides lots of detected radiations, now is assumed resp. probably approved also neutrinos are stable particles.

Quarks & Co
The ´intact´ world of old atom-model was disturbed soon by the detection, also elementary particles finally are not the really basic constructional elements of all substances. At first, some ´quarks´ were detected, afterwards more and more, now more than hundred are known and there is no end. Previous elementary particles now represent only a special mixtures of these new basic ´bricks´.

However, practically all of these ´stones´ have extreme short lifespan, are changing from one shape to the other in a steady metamorphosis (like old Greek told). The lifespan of some particles takes some seconds, most parts however ´exist´ only nanoseconds or much shorter.

So it´s a general question, if short-running occurrences like these can be considered as real existing substances at all. Above this, these ´constructional elements´ are defined by properties absolutely insufficient for description of real substances: up, down, strange, charmed, bottom, top (those terms however would fit well for the description of movements, especially for steady ´interplays´).

Unsharpness and Probability
Completely destroyed was the impression of a concrete materia, build of real particles, by the detection of Heisenberg´s Unsharpness-Relations. Electrons around atomic nucleus can not be determined exactly. Only their momentary location or only their momentary speed can be measured, never both values same time. So remaining are only probabilities - instead of certainty.

Mathematically all that stuff is managed without problems, all values of all atoms and particles are determined exactly, everything is fitting, all ´natural constant values´ are approved by multiple counter- and cross-calculations. Nevertheless, every calculator well knows, ´useful´ constructed sets of formula allow everything to calculate and every given basic factor reversibly becomes confirmed. The possibility for calculations about any subject, by itself, doesn´t approve whether the results are related to reality.

So the sciences did search for real existing constructional elements of all matter - however finally didn´t find anything than abstract values of probability-calculations. So it seems rather ´courageous´ to consider these understandings as most possible true picture of the reality.

Something in Motion
By criteria mentioned earlier, one must differ strongly between terms describing a certain real occurrences versus abstract terms, which are useful only for mental handling and communication. By this point of view only two facts can be considered as certain knowledge about their real existence: 1. there is something and 2. there is motion.

These are two of three axioms, I mentioned earlier. First: a substance is one real perceptible fact. Second: movements are the second real perceptible fact.

Third axiom is based at the fact, nobody can tell why - for heaven´s sake - something should exist or should be in motion. As homo-sapiens we are not able to assume existent things without cause for its existence. As homo-faber we are not able to assume existent things without its production process. In concern with that general dilemma, commonly is use the term of ´God´ as founder and producer of the universe. Even some don´t like to use that abstract ´empty word´ (cause we are not able to define it more precisely, based at our limited view), this assumption still remains unexplained. So the third axiom is: existence exits anyhow.

One Thing and many Movements
It´s the question, how many different kind of substances are existing. By ´chemical´ view, there are as much substances as chemical elements, its variations and all possible combinations of. That´s the enormous variety of all material occurrences.

Searching for basic original substances, this number was decisively reduced to few different elementary particles, afterwards however extended to probably numberless different sub-elementary particles.

By earlier mentioned criteria respective a general agreement, that theory is the best, which needs the less input values. So instead of assuming many different substances, best solution would assume only one single thing as basic substance of all occurrences.

The obvious huge variety of occurrences (also below elementary particles) thus can be assumed to represent the unlimited possible forms of movements of that unique substance.

First however, the previously introduced ´empty word´ of this ´single-one´ is to define more exactly. By statements above, valid is only one fact: there is some-thing and some-motion. If now I claim, this some-thing is only one-thing, so this is a pure mental abstraction.

However, just the knowledge of Quantum-Physics approve this logic conclusion by two occurrences. First, sub-elementary particles change shapes within shortest times. While these most short intervals, no real distinguished ´substances´ can really be build, but well could one real substance change its movement´s characteristics within these short intervals.

Second, there exists unsharpness while watching electrons, based on Heisenberg´s Theory, today however well known by real ´pictures´ of atoms, showing ´cloudy´ shapes. This unsharpness would not exist, if different and separated substances would really exist. One single real existing substance, differently occurring only by locally different movements, indeed would be hard to locate sharp, but these movements would produce unsharp wandering reflections, thus would result the known ´blurred photos´.

So it´s to assume as a real certainty, only one unique substance exists, which however allows most different variations of movements. This Aether-Theory is based at these two axioms (plus above axiom of ´God´). As described later, this basic understanding allows to describe clearly physical phenomena resp. explains occurrences as inevitable consequence of these properties. These assumptions of that Aether-Theory are also approved by well knows effects.

01.04. Everything and Nothing Aether-Physics and -Philosophy